Wednesday classes are from  6:30 – 7:30
Lessons, Games and Food.
We have classes for Preschool  (if potty trained) through teens 
 *The bus start picking children up around 6:00.   Click here to contact us for more information on the bus.
Choir:    7:30 – 8:00 Choir is for children age 8 – teens.  We perform two musicals each year as well as sing during the worship service most Sundays.   Practice is 7:30 – 8:00 and the bus will bring the kids home after practice.  To be in choir children must be able to be at church at least two Sundays a month and be there on Wednesdays for practice. *Please note, if a child rides the bus to church, they must ride back home unless we speak to or have a note from the parent.

Sundays 10 am – We have classes for Pre-school through Adults.
 Worship Service at 11:00.